[Palsem09] Fwd: "Queers for Palestine?"

Bertil Videt bertil at iire.org
Tue Apr 28 11:08:42 CEST 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter Drucker <rosaburg at antenna.nl>
Date: 2009/4/28
Subject: Fwd: "Queers for Palestine?"
To: Bertil <b at videt.dk>
Cc: Antonio <carmonabaez1 at yahoo.com>

Dear Bertil,

Could you please post the below to the Palestine seminar listserve? I
don't have the address here at my work.


----- Doorgestuurd bericht van director at alqaws.org -----
   Datum: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 10:53:59 +0300
     Van: Haneen Maikey <director at alqaws.org>
Antwoorden aan:Haneen Maikey <director at alqaws.org>
 Onderwerp: "Queers for Palestine?"
     Aan: Haneen Maikey <info at alqaws.org>

Dear all,

Thought you would be interested to read a new article/letter "Queers
for Palestine?" by Jason Ritchie & myself.

This article is an attempt to address the growing corpus of articles
raising the outrages assumption of "tolerant", gay-friendly Israel and
homophobic, "Islamofascist" Palestine.

Unfortunately, we noticed the last year growing number of articles
(usually published in the western and Israeli LGBTQ and mainstream

that is manipulating the Palestinian LGBTQ community and our allies
for their interests and agenda.

Here is the link for the article:

Would love to hear your feedback,


Haneen Maikey, Director
E-mail: director at alqaws.org │Website: www.alqaws.org
Office: +972-2-6252729 │ Cell: +972-54-4898062
P.O. Box 1616, Jerusalem 91016
Al-Qaws for Sexual & Gender Diversity in Palestinian Society

----- Einde doorgestuurd bericht -----

Dear all,

Thought you would be interested to read a new article/letter "Queers
for Palestine?" by Jason Ritchie & myself.

This article is an attempt to address the growing corpus of articles
raising the outrages assumption of "tolerant", gay-friendly Israel and
homophobic, "Islamofascist" Palestine.

Unfortunately, we noticed the last year growing number of articles
(usually published in the western and Israeli LGBTQ and mainstream

that is manipulating the Palestinian LGBTQ community and our allies
for their interests and agenda.

Here is the link for the article:

Would love to hear your feedback,


Haneen Maikey, Director
E-mail: director at alqaws.org │Website: www.alqaws.org
Office: +972-2-6252729 │ Cell: +972-54-4898062
P.O. Box 1616, Jerusalem 91016
Al-Qaws for Sexual & Gender Diversity in Palestinian Society

Bertil Videt
Executive co-Director
International Institute for Research and Education

Phone: +31 20 6717263
De France: 0970467263
Skype: iire-iirf
SIP: 222 at asterisk.iire.org
Fax: +31 20 6732106

Lombokstraat 40
NL-1094AL Amsterdam

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