[Palsem09] ENCORE une version des lectures ! / Yet ANOTHER version of the reading list

Peter Drucker rosaburg at antenna.nl
Sat Feb 7 21:54:59 CET 2009

Thanks Roland for these links! Of course I wouldn't have given the 
Workers Liberty link if I'd known about the Marxists Internet Archive 
one. I've been using the Mandel texts a lot for the translation of 
the Mandel biography (out soon from Verso), but I didn't think of 
looking there for these theses. Bizarre that all my different google 
attempts didn't find that other link for the 1974 site.

The IVP site actually does have an archive of FI documents; it just 
is growing very slowly because of our limited ability to scan and 
upload. Perhaps these two texts can be added to the IVP archive 
sometime soon.


>It's unfortunate that we do not have our own online archive, in 
>order to preserve documents from our tradition.
>It is even more unfortunate that Peter has only been able to find an 
>English version of the 1947 Draft theses on the website of the 
>"Alliance for Workers Liberty", an organisation hostile to the FI, 
>which it denounces -- even in the introduction to this document -- 
>as "kitsch left". The organisation is an apologist for Zionism, has 
>attacked me and other anti-Zionist Jews as "antisemites" and 
>campaigned to have me banned from meetings, and even turned up at a 
>recent demonstration carrying Israeli flags! Fortunately, it is 
>possible to find the same text in a much more acceptable site, the 
>Marxist Internet Archive at 
>They attribute the theses to Ernest Mandel.
>The statement by Arab revoilutionary Marxists  from 1974 can be 
>found online in English at 
>The document by Virginia Tilley and Steven Friedman led to an 
>interesting discussion on the Israeli Academic Left (Alef) list last 
>year. I attach a file which commrades may find helpful (in English 
>only, I'm afraid) of the main discussion between Tilley and Ran 
>Greenstein, an Israelki academic in South Africa and author of 
>"Genealogies of conflict: Class, identity and state in 
>Palestine/Israel and South Africa".
>See you all next week

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