[Palsem09] Resolution Palestine IC/CI

Penelope Duggan pen.duggan at wanadoo.fr
Mon Mar 2 20:46:26 CET 2009

Pour être clair. La résolution telle qu'elle circule est la résolution
adoptée mais il n'y a pas volonté politique de souligner telle ou telle
phrase, c'était pour indiquer au CI les amendements rajoutés après

This message is only applicable to the Fench-speaking comrades who have
received the resoliution with some phrases in bold, this was just to
indicate to the IC comrades the amendments that had ben added after the
discussion, there is no political meaning to it.

le 2/03/09 17:52, FIbureau à FIbureau at wanadoo.fr a écrit :

> Please do not circulate the resolution with the parts in bold. That was ust
> to indicate the amendments during the IC meeting.
> Penny
> le 2/03/09 16:54, Bertil Videt à bertil at iire.org a écrit :
>> Please find attached the final resolution on Gaza adopted by the IC
>> last weekend.
>> Veuillez trouver ci-joint la resolution finale sur Gaza adopte par le
>> CI le weekend dernier.
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