[Palsem09] Publication from the 1st FI Palestine seminar

FIBureau FIbureau at wanadoo.fr
Mon Jun 20 11:21:47 CEST 2011

> Dear Comrades
> It was always the plan to publish all the contributions to the seminar in book
> formin at least English and French. Unfortunately this project was not carried
> through at the time because some texts were never received. However we do have
> - in both languages - the contributions by:
> Gilbert Achcar on US imperialism
> Roland Rance
> Julien Salingue IIRE
> Tony Richardson
> Gilbert Achcar perspectives
> Cinzia Nachira
> Camille Dagher
> The IIRE publications committee therefore proposes to publish this collection
> with an Introduction by Peter Drucker. If any of the reports not in this list
> now exist in written form (or in a slightly different form if they have
> subsequently been written up by their authors) please send them to immediately
> as we will put the translation work in hand to be able to indclude them.
> I¹ll take this opportunity to remind you that the ³pâlsem09² lsit is going to
> close and is replace by ³FI Middle East² so if tyou have not aqsked to be
> inscribed the latter please do so.
> Greetings
> Penny

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